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Ashok Gupta

NLP Trainer and Mentor Online, Offline Counsellor (Mental Health and Peace Certified NLP Practitioner

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Get Power Abilities to Change and Improve

  • June 30, 2013
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Changing and improving constitute most important factors for having a highly successful personal and professional life in today’s ever progressing world. Mostly, efforts to modify and expand forcefully through the will power become futile making you feel more and more frustrated with each attempt. Ultimately, you convince yourself “no matter what happen, I can never improve, change.” In order to sit on the king’s throne, we must alter according to the circumstances and goal, and should have an incessant penchant for growing limitlessly.

The chapter 1 in “Command Your Destiny”:  “The 1st Mental Conditioning: Programming For The Limitless Improvement And Change” will enable you to realise revolutionary abilities for the effortless rapid amendment and improvements in the self’s deeper reflexes on the continuous basis to deal elegantly with the ever-changing circumstances. That will automatically replace bad behaviour / habit, addiction and an inflexible self while plucking feathers even having iron backbone inside. The latest methods, described here, involve taking ‘subconscious support’ and a ground-breaking discovery 'Neurological Level'. Techniques (modelling, self-analysis, self-evolution, self-renewal, visualization...) open paths for bringing the fast generative and evolutionary self-revolution (in personal, organizational and professional fields) and internal harmony. This will counter fear of changing. You will understand the harmful repercussions of being rigid, when we must and when we must not change, reasons for being unchanging, what to do when processes for changing and uplifting fail to work, and various other very useful information.  


Ashok Gupta is NLP Expert and Trainer; Counsellor (Mental Health and Peace, Learning, Addiction, Fear, Compulsion, Repulsion, Overweight, Well Being); Self- healing and Wellness Expert; Educational Consultant, Certified Life Coach, Author, Writer, Speaker; ‘NLP Creative Writing’ and how to write book trainer.


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Ashok Gupta
Hotel Vineet 14, Vivekanand Marg, Allahabad-211003, India


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