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Ashok Gupta

NLP Trainer and Mentor Online, Offline Counsellor (Mental Health and Peace Certified NLP Practitioner

Saturday, July 13, 2013

NLP Modern Way To Treat Mental Illness

  • July 13, 2013
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My interaction with Mr. Mrigant Tiwari, Times of India (India’s one of the oldest leading national newspaper), appeared on 21 Oct. 2012.

NLP Modern Way to Treat Mental Illness

With number of patients affected with mental disorders rising at an alarming rate, focus  on giving equal attention to mental health along with physical well-being for all-round excellence. The secret lies in communicating specifically with brain verbally as well as physically through the latest psychological technique known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming’ (NLP), claims a practitioner Ashok Gupta, who has been using the technique for past several years.
Sharing details with TOI, Gupta said NLP was developed by United States army veteran John Grinder, and Richard Bandier and offers easy and practical approach towards curing mental disorders. The two founded system after studying successful methodologies of world’s top therapist, anthropologist, and executive. The subject implies that by changing our linguistic pattern while communicating with brain we can re-program the neurological processes to improve behavioural and cognitive capabilities favourably.
He said NLP stood for the usefulness rather truthfulness of the subjective thought. The content is not important, what mostly affects us is how we organise thought inside mind. For eliminating fear, phobia, depression and negative thought, you need not to access those painful experiences repeatedly, what traditional psychologists habitually do, instead change internal representation, and your brain will automatically take care of the rest!
Citing an example, Gupta aid two persons Ramesh and Satish undergo a traumatic incident. Ramesh becomes phobic, but Satish transforms into a self-asserted personality. Many pilots leave flying after facing horrific plane accident, while others choose to fly again with more confidence. Why different influences over different people when our brain is biologically same? The answer lies in our method of perceiving and shaping the incidents. Emotionally balanced and happy people turn unpleasant experiences into the distant, unclear and small black-and-white image while making good ones big and coloured. Surprisingly, unhappy and depressed do just opposite!
Gupta said he learned “NLP,” “Dianetics" (both modern psychologies), and “Communication,” “NLP Creative Writing” while working as a quality control supervisor in a commercial aircraft spare parts manufacturing multinational firm  during residency in USA.
He added that with various operative systems, NLP addresses psychosomatic illnesses, addiction, and learning disorders. International government and non-government academic, therapeutic, and sport facilities are widely using this new science of personal change. Olympic gold winner Mike O’Brien got training implying it and NLP has untapped potential for treating potential problems. It has become all purpose self-training program & technology, he said.

Ashok Gupta is NLP Expert and Trainer; Counsellor (Mental Health and Peace, Learning, Addiction, Fear, Compulsion, Repulsion, Overweight, Well Being); Self- healing and Wellness Expert; Educational Consultant, Certified Life Coach, Author, Writer, Speaker; ‘NLP Creative Writing’ and how to write book trainer.


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Ashok Gupta
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