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Ashok Gupta

NLP Trainer and Mentor Online, Offline Counsellor (Mental Health and Peace Certified NLP Practitioner

Saturday, August 31, 2013

How To Prevent Naturally The Dangerous Tooth Decay

  • August 31, 2013
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According to ‘British Dental Association’, fruits contain too much fructose and glucose becoming big reasons for the tooth decay. Therefore, it is essential to wash mouth after consuming fruits, fruit juices. Same is true after taking sugar rich materials like tea, milk, coffee, deserts etc. Several person's saliva contain much sugar enhancing tooth decay chances in them. Gargling many  times with salt water especially after meals and before sleeping in night, or several times will be very beneficial.       

To know please visit my blog through www.insidepower.in
"COMMAND YOUR DESTINY" Authored by Ashok Gupta  http://www.diamondbook.in/command-your-destiny-english-pb.html

Ashok Gupta is NLP Expert and Trainer; Counsellor (Mental Health and Peace, Learning, Addiction, Fear, Compulsion, Repulsion, Overweight, Well Being); Self- healing and Wellness Expert; Educational Consultant, Certified Life Coach, Author, Writer, Speaker; ‘NLP Creative Writing’ and how to write book trainer.


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Ashok Gupta
Hotel Vineet 14, Vivekanand Marg, Allahabad-211003, India


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