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Ashok Gupta

NLP Trainer and Mentor Online, Offline Counsellor (Mental Health and Peace Certified NLP Practitioner

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Exercise To Boost Your Academic Performance

  • October 26, 2013
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Intensive exercise improves the academic performance of teenagers to enhance their exam success in English, maths and science., according to the study of about 5,000 children during a study. Children who carried out regular exercise, not only did better academically at 11 but also at 13 and in their exams at 16, the study suggested. Most of the teenagers' exercise levels were found to be well below the recommended 60 minutes a day. The children who carried out 60 minutes of exercise every day could improve their academic performance by a full grade - for example, from a C to a B, or a B to an A. Dr Josie Booth, one of the leaders of the study, from Dundee University said: "Physical activity is more than just important for your physical health." There are other benefits and that is something that should be especially important to parents, policy-makers and people involved in education." The authors of the study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, said further research backing the findings could have implications for public health and education policy. 

COMMAND YOUR DESTINY (Authored By Ashok Gupta)

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Ashok Gupta is NLP Expert and Trainer; Counsellor (Mental Health and Peace, Learning, Addiction, Fear, Compulsion, Repulsion, Overweight, Well Being); Self- healing and Wellness Expert; Educational Consultant, Certified Life Coach, Author, Writer, Speaker; ‘NLP Creative Writing’ and how to write book trainer.


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Ashok Gupta
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