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Ashok Gupta

NLP Trainer and Mentor Online, Offline Counsellor (Mental Health and Peace Certified NLP Practitioner

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Monitor Thoughts To Experience The Experiences The Way You Like.

  • May 06, 2014
  • by

Our interpretation defines our
experience, and the thoughts are powerful forces in the creation of our
experience of life. By choosing how to interpret and define each moment, we
truly can create our reality. That is why our frustration that was once based
on a misunderstanding completely evaporates when our understanding changed. R
ather than merely accepting the happening as it is,
harness the power of thoughts to change the experience the way you like to
experience that. Look for good qualities in the world around rather focusing on
the negative. And do not dwell on the past or the future to miss the experience
of living in the present moment.

Thought produces ripple affect like a stone dropped
into a lake. We can choose to focus on either positive or negative thought,
that is our choice; on this depends the quality of our existence and ongoing

Ashok Gupta


1. 'NLP
द्वारा 100 % आत्मविश्वास और सफलता' (प्रभात प्रकाशन, भारत की पहली हिंदी एवं किसी भी भारतीय भाषा में पहली 'एन.एल.पी.' (NLP) पुस्तक, पाकेट बुक्स मूल्य 125 रूपया, हार्ड कॉपी मूल्य 250 रूपया)

2. COMMAND YOUR DESTINY (Diamond Books, “4 Star”
rating by renowned international review site “www.readersfavorite.com”,

(M) 9335107999; (0532) 2401292

E mail: inside_coperation@rediffmail.com

Vineet Hotel, 14. Vivekanand Marg, Allahabad-211003

Ashok Gupta is NLP Expert and Trainer; Counsellor (Mental Health and Peace, Learning, Addiction, Fear, Compulsion, Repulsion, Overweight, Well Being); Self- healing and Wellness Expert; Educational Consultant, Certified Life Coach, Author, Writer, Speaker; ‘NLP Creative Writing’ and how to write book trainer.


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Ashok Gupta
Hotel Vineet 14, Vivekanand Marg, Allahabad-211003, India


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